Tours, FR (part I)

The French really know food. While the town of Tours was nice enough for buildings and architecture, the biggest takeaway from this leg of the trip was how much I’ve enjoyed the food. The train ride from Lille to Tours on the TGV has been our best train experience to date.  We were on the… Continue reading Tours, FR (part I)

Rishikesh, IN

Upon our arrival in Rishikesh, Dan was approached by a man in a white lungi and whose face was painted maroon. He tried to place a mark on Dan’s forehead and when Dan refused, the guy blew out a few words in hindi (which we didn’t understand, but took it as not good) as we… Continue reading Rishikesh, IN

Shimla, IN

In continuation of my earlier ‘Manali’ post, our arrival in Shimla was welcoming destination after the twists and turns of the bus ride. We had read that we would be harassed by porters, so we put on our packs before disembarking the bus, which made it very easy to dodge the crowd that greeted us.… Continue reading Shimla, IN

Manali, IN

As we drove through the Himalayas, I witnessed a beautiful sunrise casting large silhouettes of the mountains. After a 14 hour bus ride from Delhi, we arrived safe and sound in Manali, where the altitude is at 2050 metres. My initial impression of this little mountain town was that it was similar to Banff, with… Continue reading Manali, IN