Heidelberg, DE

Our first stop in town was at the TIC to figure out some place to stay. Heidelberg is home to the longest pedestrian street in Germany, called Hauptstrasse, and along the 1.6km of this street most of the interesting things in town are centered. Unfortunately there do not seem to be any “budget” accomodations near… Continue reading Heidelberg, DE

Füssen, DE

We got away from Munich just in time. During our last evening in town a soft fog rolled in, and by morning it had congealed and cooled into a decidedly unwelcoming mess. We made our escape and headed south and west, through Buchloe and on to Füssen. The ride was pleasant, but didn’t become really… Continue reading Füssen, DE

München, DE

Our several days in Munich mainly consisted of wandering the streets, window shopping, stepping into a few bookstores and eating!  We also had the privilege of listening to some really talented street musicians. Some of which included a full roster:  flute, violin, bass, cello, grand piano – and we still have no idea how they get the… Continue reading München, DE

Nürnberg, DE

It’s my first post in Germany, so I’ll ramble for a bit first. Before arriving in Germany I had expected to find the German language very difficult. In some ways it is, but I had failed to appreciate how much English owes to German in terms of basic vocabulary. Of course there are words picked up… Continue reading Nürnberg, DE

Berlin, DE

Well, we’ve now entered into our last country in our European leg of the trip. Our journey by train from Prague to Germany was still quite beautiful, despite the overcast weather and threat of rain. For most of the trip, we ran alongside a river and every minute, a charming river town came into view.… Continue reading Berlin, DE