“Adios” Argentina

We find ourselves staying in Buenos Aires for a third and final time as we prepare to leave the country. We have decided to stay in our favorite neighbourhood in the city, Palermo Soho, which is a large version of our Kensington neighbourhood back home. We fell in love with this area during our first… Continue reading “Adios” Argentina

Punta del Diablo, UY

Well, a week has come and gone here in the small beach village that is Punta del Diablo. It was exactly the type of place we wanted to spend the Christmas holidays at. The village consists of dirt roads, lots of cabañas, one ATM (which won’t be turned on until the high-season starts in January)… Continue reading Punta del Diablo, UY

Iguazú Falls, AR

After a 17 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires, we rolled into Puerto Iguazú, just after 12pm the following day. We were hoping to meet up with Holly, Matas and Anna, our American friends from Eco Yoga Park, but they had arrived a day earlier and were already on their way to Uruguay. At any… Continue reading Iguazú Falls, AR

Buenos Aires, AR

Once we stepped out off the plane at the international airport in Buenos Aires, I could immediately notice the difference in the air from that of Germany and the impeding winter that was on our tails. With the worries of the European passport controls behind us, Dan was finally able to exhale and take in… Continue reading Buenos Aires, AR

München, DE

Our several days in Munich mainly consisted of wandering the streets, window shopping, stepping into a few bookstores and eating!  We also had the privilege of listening to some really talented street musicians. Some of which included a full roster:  flute, violin, bass, cello, grand piano – and we still have no idea how they get the… Continue reading München, DE

Berlin, DE

Well, we’ve now entered into our last country in our European leg of the trip. Our journey by train from Prague to Germany was still quite beautiful, despite the overcast weather and threat of rain. For most of the trip, we ran alongside a river and every minute, a charming river town came into view.… Continue reading Berlin, DE

“Servus” Austria

Well, we’re in Innsbruck, Austria and I can’t get the ‘Sound of Music’ soundtrack out of my head – and it’s only going to get worse as we head towards Salzburg. A couple of days ago we had found ourselves leaving the Santa Lucia station in Venice, sharing a 6 chair cabin with a German… Continue reading “Servus” Austria